Is Sinus Pressure Causing Your Tooth Pain?

Is Sinus Pressure Causing Your Tooth Pain?

Jan 01, 2023

While toothaches are common, sometimes it can be hard to determine the root cause of the pain. Commonly, toothaches arise due to oral problems like tooth decay, enamel erosion, advanced gum disease, and dental trauma. While not very common, a toothache can also result from sinus pressure, infection, and other issues.

What are sinuses, and how do they cause toothaches?

If you’re wondering what sinuses are, they are pairs of empty spaces or cavities in the skull that connect to the nasal cavity. They are responsible for moistening, filtering, and warming the air in the nasal cavity. They also produce mucus, which drains into the nasal cavity to clean the nose.

Sinuses are in four pairs found in the facial bones near the forehead, eyes, and behind the cheekbones. The largest sinuses are above the back upper teeth. The roots of these teeth lie very close or sometimes extend into the sinus cavity.

Therefore, an infection or inflammation in the sinuses (sinusitis) can cause pressure in the nasal cavity, resulting in pain in the nearby teeth. When you visit our dentist near you for a toothache, they will examine your condition to determine the root cause of your pain and provide the necessary treatment.

Do you have a toothache or sinus pressure?

It might be difficult to determine whether you have a toothache or sinus pressure. Most people who experience toothaches quickly suspect tooth decay, dental trauma, and gum disease as the root cause. How do you know if these problems cause your pain or if it’s from a sinus pressure or infection?

In most cases, you will feel tooth pain caused by sinus pressure or inflammation in the upper back teeth closest to the sinuses. Similarly, you feel the pain in several teeth, not just one. A toothache caused by dental issues commonly affects one tooth and tends to be more intense.

Symptoms of tooth pain caused by sinus pressure:

  • Teeth pain when bending over
  • Pain that eases upon lying down
  • Pain when jumping
  • Pain in several upper back molars

Other symptoms different from tooth pain that can indicate you have a sinus problem:

  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose or congestion
  • Postnasal drip
  • Altered sense of smells
  • Pressure around the eyes, nose, or forehead
  • Thick, colored mucus
  • Low-grade-fever
  • Bad breath or halitosis
  • Hoarse voice
  • Ear fullness or pain

Some symptoms like fever, bad breath, and headaches are common with toothaches.

Symptoms of toothaches not caused by sinus pressure or inflammation

A sinus problem might not cause your tooth pain if you experience the following:

  • Swollen gums
  • Intense or throbbing on a single tooth
  • Tooth sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Pain when chewing
  • Dental abscesses

It’s also worth mentioning that dental infections or problems can also trigger sinus infections. An infection in the upper back molars can rupture the membrane that lines your nasal cavity, spreading to the sinuses. Research suggests that dental infections cause about 40% of chronic sinus infections. Therefore, it’s crucial to seek the appropriate medical care to prevent complications, whether you have a sinus infection or tooth infection. Visit our dental office for general dentistry in Raynham, MA.

Treating sinus infection at home

As you wait for professional help, you can try the following remedies to manage your symptoms for quick relief:

Hydrate well :

Plenty of warm water is the best way to alleviate sinus congestion and minimize pressure and blockage in the sinuses. Heat soups and tea can also help with congestion and reduce pain.

Steam : 

Steam effectively helps open the nasal passages to relieve sinus pressure and pain. To do this, fill a large bowl with hot water and position your head above the water. Cover your head with a towel and breathe deeply for a few minutes. Hot showers can also help ease sinus pressure.

Sinus flush :

You can moisturize and clean your sinuses by rinsing them with a saline solution. You can use a nasal sprayer or nasal irrigation system, or devices.

Take medication :

You can relieve pain by taking over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Numbing gels like Anbesol and Orajel can also minimize pain in the affected areas.

Schedule an appointment today with our dentist in Raynham, MA

Do you need more information about sinus pressure and toothaches? Or perhaps you’re interested in general dentistry services? Contact our dentist at Raynham Dental Group, the Office of Dr. Michael Scanlon, to book your appointment today.

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